is the second day after the storm
people in the town are busy beez with all the incident settlements
I've been mood-less for 2 days
need to get myself back to the proper runway
yea... it is a runway that I have to follow
Here I am...
to give a big THANKS to all my friends
Thanks WeiXin made the first call to me that night
I always have your companion far from the East
Thanks JJ, MM, PHui calling
I am glad to have family-liked-warmth from you all always
Thanks WW & HL
that's not too bad always be 有福同享,有难同当
we had gone through sooo much and you two always the 'one' who lead us all da time
Thanks syuan helps us to buy all the bulbs too
always is the lobang king to us
Thanks the uncle who always help us to fix windows
hope your garden get fixed soon
Of course
Thanks my papa and mama gave the biggest comfort to me
you all make me not so guilty for it
And Thanks to Bibo sort the car things out =)
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Life is just good when there are all the VIPs
who lead you to the bright side