02 February, 2010

Ŀøvĕ In Tħę Höuše

Stepping into February - a month that is filled with the sweetness of love.
"Smells of February" brimming everywhere.
people think of Love, smile with Love, see through the Love...
it's just Love for good everywhere.
hmm... so do I, bathed in this Love Season~ =)

The beginning of the year is just everything about us.
Our anniversary, Valentine's Day and birthdays~
hmm, you might think that is too peak for two people to get all the surprises and plans done.
but I'm not thinking that way.
well... I might do so when all these very first time came to us =p
but now, I'm just enjoy the coincidence.
idea pooling... and it might be the one suite us the most.
why? hmm.... just because we are 简单幸福派
and things will be added value when it is little^^

So, just right, we celebrated our 3rd anniversary 2 days ago.
picnic and buffet dinner made up the day~

●Sounds of Happiness●

A day that everything was running as normal.
but it is special to us since 3 years ago.

Well well well~
this is the big surprise for me (+ an Apple full keyboard)
hmm, you really surprised me,
even though it was accidentally show up by 'itself'
Ooppss~ ^^
hmm, I would like to say this big big gift has made something different.
since it is not only romance but something more realistic have changed us.
I would say you are more than what a boyfriend is,
we are taking each other as family,
sharing every single little thing everyday.
you are thinking of what I need more than what i want.
you're trying so hard to find a place to hide the surprise,
but you never notice that we're actually sharing everything now.
even the little 'rubbish cupboard' is storing all sour rubbishes together =)
don't we?

This could be the thing that I want to "monopolise"~  

okie, here is the very first in life time suit for Bibo~
it make you look sooooo BOOMZ~ ^^

Flip over to the new chapter of our love story,
it is just prefect to have you, hand in hand with me.
we are the one who writing the story and the one who enjoy it.
I love this story, you must be loving it too rite?
there are so many challenges waiting for us,
I need you to be with me.
thanks for giving me tans of precious memories this year.
it is brilliant and mean so much to me.

The new chapter starts from here =)


  1. I've nearly fainted because found that u both hand in hand already 3 yrs!!!
    Omg...u two really "not easy" ah...hehe...
    Well,it's glad that seeing you both have encounter to another period or future.

    It's called love,I guess.
    Pls be happiness,u both.

  2. Happy valentines..my lovely friends..Just love your words..
    You must be having good time in M'sia now..
    Smile big..stay sweet...and celebrate CNY with family as well as the birthday of your love!
    I miss you,Yh,Aikhui,Hl..wenwen..so so much..
    I am doing good here..your blogs make my day...
    Hope to hear from you soon..

