It was awhile ago we made a trip down to Currumbin Valley.
Didn't know what to expect from there but falls (which I know from The Bachalor lol).
Typed in on google map and head down south with sunny skies.
Perfect :)
The map brought us to a down stream rock pool,
which is the Currumbin Rock pool we found on net.
But... nothing look like what I saw on The Bachelor huh....
Anyway, did some shooting n head off to inner part of the valley.
Lots of families there and kids are having so much fun there.
Next time should have prepared some clothing so can jump straight into water!
It is around 2km drive from the pool to the Springbrook Reserves.
Again, we didn't know that until we saw the sign.
A very relaxing drive with the country style houses along the road.
Those are really humongous houses with huge yards and there are two parks beside the road as well.
Walking into the reserves I think I finally found the falls I saw on TV.
Huhhhhh and I think they also make illegal climb to swim there. *sneaky
Well... have to say it is a nice falls and quite fun by looking people doing the water slide.
The weather turned cloudy when we're at the falls.
Heading to coastline to visit the famous Elephant Rock at Currumbin Beach.
We stopped on the way out from the valley and accidentally drove into the multi million estate.
It could be one of my dream just to have a single night stay in those gorgeous houses.
There is a pond near the entrance and see who we met?
So adorable and beautiful gooses.
I think they knew we have nothing to feed so they started ignoring us and run away.
One by one, they jump into the pond and swam away.
Some struggled with the height? heehee
I'm sure there is a leader among them.
So our next destination was Currumbin Beach where further down from Gold Coast.
Standing on the Elephant Rock lookout overlook the Gold Coast skyline.
The view is awesome!

I enjoyed so much in the short trip down.
Wasn't plan so kinda get the most out from the surprise.
And feel so proud and fulfilling when finishing my photo edits =)
Gorgeous photos in this post!