It has been ages to leave my lil bloggie behind
missing lots of updates and tons of stories
but luckily,
it is just a personal page to myself and only share among us
you shall know these as well as me =)
I was thinking to give a post titled as "the final chapter"
but yeah... everything just happened like nobody business and pushed me away from my old story book
giving me this new untitled story
I am more than happy to be the writer and share it out
chapter by chapter
page by page
I know billions of sweets and sours will come through
but I am ready for them to fight for the success!
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It was a happening and BOOMZ July ever in my life
kiasu like never before for job hunting after final exam
typing cover letters and CVs again and again
well, at the end was no one get through to the interview
but thanks to those HR managers who did reply me
you all are kind enough to you compare to those who didn't
moved from accountant positions to bookkeeper
then clerk/assistants
waitperson at the end
all fail
I would say nothing can stress a graduate more than this
but still, I will not giving up =)
Being thankful to what I've got now
positioned as a tutor in uni
this is just the sweet after all bitters
even I am only assigned to one class and another replacement class from my coordinator
everything happened up until now is just amazing
I've attended the very first unit briefing
signed the contract with Curtin without knowing the pay rate and ends date =p
mind was flooding with all 'unknown' messages
table was covering by all teaching materials
I know it gonna takes me awhile to cope with these
and I am going through them one by one now =)
Sem 2 starts this week and thanks Kenneth brought me along to his first class
that is the most helpful tips to me for my following classes
walking with them to cafe
I just not feeling so comfortable yet
I think I really need to put on heels to buck me up a bit
there do have politics in school
I just need to get use to it and find myself a place to stay firmly
all my colleagues and big boss are just nice and funny tho
I think I need to catch up all the gossip asap to be in the team
I really hope others wont lost any confidence to Curtin just because of me
my profile did went through by the two coordinators
and the chat was kinda interview
"teaching smart" instead of "smart teaching"
this is the reason for average 68% acceptable
With the staff ID, pigeon box and markers
the journey has started =)
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And YES, miss foo has officially graduated!
passed with straight distinctions which described by papa as 将功赎罪
haha~ feel true though =p
registered in the 21st Sept Convocation under school of Accounting
and ordered my gown, hook and mortarboard
ready for the one and only one convo in life
should it be?
hmm... but I feel something missing in this excitement as all my piggy sisters are not coming over
cant feed them with tons of foods =(
then just make mama be the masterchef in house then~
I hope the night can be the proudest night in their life
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Graduated which means I can continue on my TR application
yes, I've lodged my application on 20th July
got the confirmation email from immi in 24hrs time
this is so-called EFFICIENT
Although cant get straight 7 in IELTS which expected
but I am still quite happy with the result
the very first IELTS to me and all above 6.5 in academic paper
still ok ya? =p
Applying, ordering, filling and collecting documents still at this stage
everything is just handy to get online
and you can have people to consult by calling and email
things are going smoothly except the stupid embassy!
really 气死我~
mummy is so true
but I can do nth to it too
just face the challenge steadily
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Another highlight to July is that we have moved out from our place
staying in East Perth now with HL
back to the time we were in Mill Point Rd
it is just like what we say always
things will have to go back to what it used to be
Moving house is a nightmare indeed
especially when you really need to move ''a house of stuff''
haha~ 3 yrs not play play hor~
This is what happen when pool everything together
there are other stuff in kitchen in bedroom actually XD

It was really a mess for two weeks
packing and unpack
but take the chance to clear them up
something should have thrown, something should be send back to JB
some of them... are still waiting for judgement =p
But! thanks god we found
it let us redeem lots of stuffs
it is a secondhand trading heaven
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Say goodbye to a place we have been calling home for 2 and half years
memories flashing back in mind
so many things we went through together in this house
it is not perfect but we did spend everything we got to make it perfect
it is the end of my uni life with the good bye to this house
thanks to my lil comfy place and of course my dearest Bibo ❤
Our playground